Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=bad-continuation, too-few-public-methods
""" 'open' command.
# Copyright ©  2016 1&1 Group <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function

import io
import sys

from pyaml import dump as ppyaml
from click.exceptions import UsageError
from rudiments.reamed import click

from .. import config
from ..util import cfgdata, vault


[docs]def vault_key(reference): """Validate a vault key reference.""" if not reference.startswith('vault:'): raise UsageError('Expected a "vault:..." reference, got "{}" instead'.format(reference)) return reference.split(':', 1)[1].strip('/')
[docs]def lookup_key(key, bases, conn): """Look for a key in the given bases.""" for base in bases: key_path = ''.join((base, '/', key)).strip('/') secret = ##print(repr((key_path, secret))) if secret is not None: result = secret['data'] if len(result) == 1: result = result.get('value', result) return result, conn.api.last_url raise UsageError('Cannot find key "{}" in any of these bases: {}.' .format(key, ', '.join(x or '/' for x in bases)))
[docs]def lookup_secrets(obj, bases, conn): """Scan ``obj`` for secrets, and look them up.""" bases = [x.strip('/') for x in bases or ['']] result = {} if cfgdata.is_mapping(obj): for key, val in obj.items(): if key.endswith(SECRETS_POSTFIX): base_key = key[:-len(SECRETS_POSTFIX)] result[base_key], result[key + '_url'] = lookup_key(vault_key(val), bases, conn) else: subtree = lookup_secrets(val, bases, conn) if subtree: result[key] = subtree return result
@config.cli.command(name='open') @click.option('-b', '--base', 'bases', metavar='PATH [-b ...]', multiple=True, help='Look up keys relative to the given base path(s).') @click.option('-o', '--output', 'outfile', metavar='FILE', type=click.Path(), show_default=True, default='secrets.yml', help='Write output to given file,' ' use "-o-" for printing clear text secrets to stdout.') @click.argument('cfgfile', metavar='CFGFILE [...]', nargs=-1) @click.pass_context def open_command(ctx, cfgfile=None, bases=None, outfile=''): """Open vault and amend configuration file(s).""" if not cfgfile: raise UsageError("You provided no configuration file names!", ctx=ctx) try: conn = vault.Connection() except ValueError as cause: if "target" in str(cause): click.serror("{} -- forgot to edit configuration or set VAULT_ADDR?", cause) else: raise data = cfgdata.read_merged_files(cfgfile) secrets = lookup_secrets(data, bases, conn) #ppyaml(cfgdata, sys.stdout) if outfile in ('', '-'): ppyaml(secrets, sys.stdout) else: if not ctx.obj.quiet: click.echo('Writing secrets to "{}"...'.format(outfile)) with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as handle: ppyaml(secrets, handle)